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Elections for Executive Committee & Host 2028

Dear WFITN members,

The 17th congress of the WFITN will be held in New York from October, 6th - 10th, 2024. During the General Assembly of the WFITN on 8.10.2024 at this meeting we will vote for a new Executive Committee and for the country to host the 2028 congress.

Applications have been submitted to the secretary [at] and copied to the Secretary General  sklee [at] until Monday, July, 8th, 2024. The votes will take place by confidential ballot during the General Assembly. 

For the following Executive committee members positions applications were recieved:

  • Vice President (automatic position of President in 2026)
  • Secretary General
  • Treasurer: 
  • Member-at-Large - 5 positions

For hosting the 2028 WFITN meeting we recieved 5 applications. 

After login to the members area you can review here all applications to vote for on Tuesday, October 8th, 2024 at the General Assembly in New York. Please come and participate in large numbers. Your voice is important!

Looking forward seeing you all there!

                                 Seon-Kyu Lee (General Secretary)   &   Michihiro Tanaka (President)