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Mentorship Program for Women in Neurointervention “mentorship for women by women”

We are currently seeking mentors for the program

If you identify as a woman, are working as a neurointerventionalist at Staff/Attending/Consultant level for a minimum of five years and are interested in mentoring women who are considering entering our profession or in early career then please consider joining our program.

Over 50% of medical students in many countries are now female. However, inequality of gender representation remains in some specialties and the proportion of women practicing neurointervention remains low. We recently conducted a study to explore the gender gap in our profession to evaluate potential barriers women may face. Creation of a mentorship program was one of the most supported options for making neurointervention more attractive to women as a career.

We wish to support women in their INR career hoping to increase their representation in our specialty.

If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please complete this form and send it by email at: ronit.agid [at] and secretary [at]

Download the form


Ronit Agid
Interventional & Diagnostic Neuroradiologist
Toronto Western Hospital
Toronto, Ontario

Sarah Power
Vice Chair
Interventional & Diagnostic Neuroradiologist
Beaumont Hospital